Behind the Scenes at Matrescence: Meet Lisa Schwartz

Behind the Scenes at Matrescence: Meet Lisa Schwartz

Meet Lisa Schwartz, Matrescence's Public Relations Manager and new mama to a sweet baby girl. Lisa took a few minutes to give us the scoop on her role at Matrescence, what she’s learned about herself through motherhood, and her favorite Matrescence product. We’re so lucky to have Lisa on our team and in our community as a Matrescence Mama.  

Matrescence: Tell our community more about your role at Matrescence. 

Lisa: I am the PR Manager for Matrescence so my job is to tell the story of the brand and introduce our products to new audiences through earned media. I use my relationships with influencers and journalists to elevate awareness around Matrescence and expand our growing community of like-minded moms.


Matrescence: What have you learned about yourself since becoming a mother?

Lisa: I am so much stronger and more capable than I thought I was. I used to think I needed a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night to function...ha! But in all seriousness, when a precious little person is depending on you for all their needs and you find a way to show up for them despite everything your body and mind is going through as a new mom, you start to feel like there's nothing you can't do.


Matrescence: What do you admire about motherhood?  

Lisa: Motherhood requires a humility and a selflessness that grounds you more than anything else I've ever experienced. How moms continuously put their kids' needs before their own is truly heroic.  


Matrescence: What do you hope to achieve through your work at Matrescence?

Lisa: I hope to help extend Matrescence's mission to encourage moms to make their own self-care rituals a priority and a necessity. As much as we have to take care of our kids, if we don't take care of ourselves we can't be there for them the way we want to be. Matrescence skin systems offer simple and easy ways that moms can show themselves some love and fill their own cups up first.


Matrescence: Which Matrescence product is your favorite, and why?

Lisa: I love the Rose Glow Brightening Essence. It's such a refreshing and nourishing product that feels so good and also gives you that beautiful glowing pregnancy skin - without any morning sickness!


Matrescence: What are three items you’ll never leave the house without?

Lisa: My phone, a full bottle of water and a black tourmaline crystal (for energetic protection).


Matrescence: Coffee or tea, mama? 

Lisa: Coffee all the way. I couldn't live without my Nespresso machine!


Matrescence: Favorite celebrity mama? 

Lisa: Ashley Graham. The photo of her double breastfeeding her twins blew my mind. She is so committed to both being a mama and keeping up with her career; it's inspiring.


Matrescence: Favorite TV show?

Lisa: Curb Your Enthusiasm!


Matrescence: It’s officially summertime! What’s a go-to summer activity?

Lisa: Pool time with my family. 


Matrescence: Ladies' Night Out or host Ladies’ Night In?

Lisa: Ladies Night In so we can control the playlist. 


Matrescence: Read that book you’ve been meaning to get through, or watch that movie you’ve been meaning to see? 

Lisa: Watch that movie - I finally just watched "King Richard" which had been on my list for months.