6 reasons You Aren't Losing Your Baby Weight.

6 reasons You Aren't Losing Your Baby Weight.

Like most new moms, you may be wondering how long it will be before you can ditch the maternity pants and get back into those skinny jeans.

First, you shouldn't be in any rush to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight, but if you seem to have hit a plateau in getting to a healthy and comfortable weight, there are several factors that could be stalling your weight loss efforts.   

You weighed too much before or during pregnancy.

It's best to get to a healthy weight before pregnancy and then follow the recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy based on that starting weight.

If you are overweight at the start of pregnancy or gain more than the recommended amount, it will be much harder to lose the weight after childbirth and you will be more likely to keep the weight on for a few years.

Consult your doctor or nutritionist to help you manage your weight before, during and after pregnancy.  


You’re skipping meals

It might seem that eating less frequently might be the way to lose weight efficiently, but by skipping meals you're setting yourself up for failure.  

Eating smaller meals on a regular basis is a much better approach so aim for five or six small meals rather than three large meals. It will make you less irritable and less likely to overeat.

You’re not getting enough sleep

When you're sleep deprived you produce more cortisol (stress hormone) which, unlike other hormones, lingers around in the body and increases your appetite making it harder for you to lose weight.  So make sure to get enough zzz's...nap when baby's napping!


You're stressing (mostly about losing weight! )

Just chill out! Stressing about losing weight is counter-productive because, yes you guessed it...cortisol.

If you are under constant stress, cortisol is continuously being released in your body and will have a negative effect on your metabolism and help generate abdominal fat. Yikes!


You’re not setting realistic goals

So you're not a celebrity,  you don't have a large team of personal trainers, nutritionists, dietitians and coaches to whip you into shape weeks after giving birth.  

The time it takes to lose the baby weight is different for each woman, but expect it to take a least six months for gentle and healthy postpartum weight loss. It's important to be patient during this time, set goals and seek help in attaining them.


You’re eating the wrong foods

Proper nutritional choices are crucial before, during and after pregnancy.  To lose the weight you gained during pregnancy, you will need to focus on nutrient-dense foods that will keep you satiated and also provide the energy you need to take care of a baby.  Aim for plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats throughout the day to fill you up, but avoid empty calories.


Have you hit a plateau on your weight loss journey?